Wednesday 17 October 2012

Repair Plastic Waste System

Task 027
Repair Plastic Waste System

1.      Defects in plastic pipes are damaged or cracked pipe and/or split washers.
2.      Common materials used to repair are UPVC piping, Washers, Locking nuts, and spanners.
3.      Possible Defects in materials are Damaged locking nuts and/or washers.
4.      Tools used to repair common problems are spanners, and water pump pliers and flat head screwdrivers.
5.      You need to be careful when replacing pipes as you could cause flooding. Also you could cut your hand on some of the pipes.
6.      METHOD STATEMENT – Firstly you find out what the problem is with the piping. Then Remove the Damaged or Faulty Part and replace with a new one. Once Fitted check that the systems are working correctly.
7.      Cost of repair can be anything from £50 - £80
8.      Make sure the area is safe and clean for the customer.

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