Monday 10 October 2011


I had to lay a 4 length brick pyramid, to ensure that I knew the basics,  I had to mark out a straight line on the floor to lay the bricks on and to make sure i got a straight line then i had to lay the first course of bricks (4) then check all the measurments were correct and i then layed the next 3 bricks and checked them. Then i layed 2 bricks and checked that all the bricks were plum then i layed the final 1 brick and checked all the measurments on all the bricks. When all the bricks were layed i had to use a spirit level to make sure that the bricks were plum and all level. I then used a gauge rod to ensure that the bricks were the exact height for the amount of bricks that i had layed. once them were layed they got checked by John ( teacher). I then had to tidy and put all the bricks and tools away and clean up.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Carrying Paint

I had to carry 2 tubs of paint outside the workshop and back in again being aware of the health and safety and the road, I wore boots to protect my feet in case I dropped the tub of paint on my feet, I also wore goggles in case any paint splashed into my eyes as I put the tubs down, I also wore gloves to protect my hands from and sharp bits of plastic that were on the tub and also to give me more grip to carry the paint.

Carrying Small Bags Of Ballast

I had to learn how to carry small bags of ballast from outside the workshop through the corridor and into the workshop safely, the P.P.E I wore was Boots, Gloves And Goggles, the boots in case I dropped the bag onto my feet, the goggles in case dust came out of the bag, And gloves in case of sharp stones were sticking out of the bag.


I had to carry 4 to 6 bricks outside City College to make sure I understood the correct way to carry Bricks.   wore Boots in case any heavy objects were dropped, Gloves in case of sharp chippings come of the bricks. And goggles in case of dust.

Concrete Blocks

First I had to check the delivery sheet and make sure the details were correct. Then I Put 4 concrete blocks in the front of the wheelbarrow to ensure correct weight on the front wheel and stability while pushing it up the road. I wore gloves in case of sharp objects, Goggles in case any dust gets blown around. I also wore Steel toe capped boots in case the concrete blocks fell out of the wheelbarrow and landed on my feet.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Moving 1 Ton of Ballast

I had to check the delivery sheet and make sure the details were correct, once I checked that I had to shovel the ballast from the bag into a wheelbarrow. Then moved that into a pile on the other side of the road in between two cones. Once the bag has been emptied into the piles, I had to shovel all of the ballast back into the wheelbarrow, take that back to the bag and fill up the bag again. Correct P.P.E was Gloves, Goggles and Boots. Gloves are to protect from sharp objects from piercing the skin, Goggles are to protect your eyes being damaged from the dust, and the boots are to protect your feet from being crushed by heavy objects being dropped.

Carrying Timber

I had to look at a job sheet and make sure the details were correct, once I checked them I had to move the timber from an indoor storage room to outside into a storage Cupboard. Also remembering P.P.E, I wore gloves incase of splinters, Goggles incase of dust being blown into your eyes and also steel toe caped boots to protect your feet incase of anything being dropped onto your foot.

Monday 26 September 2011

Carrying Plaster Board

We had to fill out a job sheet and make sure the details on the sheet were correct , then we moved a sheet of plasterboard from the workshop to outside, also being aware of health and safety. Being aware of people around you and also the road outside. we were being watched by members of staff to make sure we carried the plasterboard correctly and to see if we remembered the correct P.P.E.